Martin Talaga
45 min.
english friendly
tanečná performance
“Predstavu o trojakom poňatí tela vytvoril starogrécky filozof Poseidónios. Od tejto doby je telo popisované ako soma, sarx a pexis. Poseidónios vidí telo ako telo hmatateľné, uchopiteľné a rozobrateľné (sarx). Ďalej rozlišuje telo (soma), ktoré dáva človeku vonkajšiu podobu, ako je vzhľad a jeho vystupovanie, dalo by sa povedať, navonok vyžarujúci charakter.”
Hudba: Filip Míšek
Dramaturgia: Tomáš Procházka
Svetelný design: Karlos Šimek
Kostýmy: Vojtěch Bašta
Scénografia: Dušan Prekop, Matěj Kos
Účinkujúci: Marek Menšík, Radim Klásek, Markéta Pščolková, Alica Minárová
Produkcia: Adriána Spišáková
"The idea of the threefold concept of the body was created by the ancient Greek philosopher Poseidonios. From this time the body is described as soma, sarx and pexis. Poseidonius sees the body as tangible, graspable and dismemberable (sarx). He further distinguishes the body (soma), which gives a person an external form, such as his appearance and demeanor, one might say, outwardly radiating character."
Martin Talaga presented the SOMA project at the Kiosk festival in 2018. This year will bring its sequel called SARX. The center of attention will again be the body - filled with individual organs and their functions, which are realized over time. To whom does such a body belong? How does it relate to matter and what to time? What does it mean to describe the body as "sarx"?
We do not know if there will be someone to answer the questions posed in the post-human era. In any case, we invite you to an experience in which there will be light, mirrors and pink lace shorts. Perhaps you will be looking at a work of art, perhaps at a dance performance. And maybe someone completely different will be watching instead of you.